Monday, May 28, 2012

Egypt's "Farewell Intercourse" law allowing sex with dead wives sparks outrage!

Published by BizNewser
April 27, 2012 at 06:42
Necrophilia might be allowed by law in Egypt soon, as the country's Islamist-dominated parliament is set to introduce a law allowing husbands to have sex with their dead wives up to six hours after death. On Monday, Egypt's National Council for Women sent a letter to Egyptian People's Assembly Speaker Dr. Saad al-Katatni, asking parliament not to approve the controversial laws, the Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram reported.

The “farewell Intercourse” bill was inspired by a Fatwa issued by a Moroccan cleric last year. Zamzami Abdul Bar said that since the two would meet in Heaven again anyway, death shouldn’t get in the way of one last post-mortem marital romp.
Critics have slammed the law as “catastrophic.” Prominent journalist and TV host Jaber al-Qarmouty used his program on Tuesday to lash out at the proposed law.
“This is unbelievable. It is a catastrophe to give the husband such a right! Has the Islamic trend reached that far? Is there really a draft law in this regard? Are there people thinking in this manner,” he lamented on air.
Egypt’s National Council for Women (NCW) also called on Parliament not to adopt this and other measures which they believe increasingly seek to roll back women’s rights.
The NTC further charges that "marginalizing and undermining the status of women would negatively affect the country's human development.”
Along with the rather grim “farewell Intercourse” draft law, parliament is also set to approve legislation that would allow girls as young as 14 to get married.
Lawmakers are also seeking to eliminate a reform implemented over a decade ago that allows women to end unhappy or abusive marriages without interference from their spouses.

What next? Making pedophilia legal? Wait, that is part of the "farewell Intercourse" law too!

This is a true story. The fact that it has NOT been adopted is immaterial. It was considered and raised the ire of Egyptian women. The women of Egypt just ten years ago were nothing more then the cattle that the Traditionalist Muslims believe they are. It was Mubarak's wife who managed to get the rights the Egyptian women have received to date and with the Muslim Brotherhood taking the majority in Parliament, they know  it may all be erased. Do you believe that women should be nothing more then slaves, property? Should women be denied an education, raped at will or stoned because a husband makes a claim they were talking to another man? Do you think girls should be traded like a cow to a man 3 times their age as a wife before they have even menstruated? Just how sick are you?

So now you can beat you 14 year old wife to death for not being a virgin and then have sex with her body for all 6 hours. Or you can kill your wife in a honor killing as she left the house without her burka on and then have sex with what is left of after the rocks have smashed in her head.

Everytime I see a video about  they are either cutting off someone’s head, burying someone alive, stoning or whipping women. Now they have sex with the newly dead. God they’re so 7th century.

 It’s only logical. M......s prohibit alcohol. Since there are no bars the boys have to stop by the morgue for a cold one.

I then asked him if, as he was sitting with the body of his wife, now separated from her spirit, but still "hers", and promised to be reunited with her spirit someday through the Resurrection, if he at any point thought to himself, "You know, I'm a little horny.  I'd like to climb up on her right here and have one more good hump for the road.  She's still warm.  Why not?"

I can assure you that no one in that room laughed.

Time Magazine Cover: May 2012

Time magazine cover shows Jamie Lynne Grumet, 26, breastfeeding her almost 4-year old son!

Published by BizNewser
May 11, 2012 at 06:55
Time magazine cover is going to shock you this time, as it shows 26-year old Jamie Lynne Grumet, from Los Angeles, breastfeeding her 3-year son Aram. She breastfeeds both of her two sons aged 5 and 3 using the method of attachment parenting.